Attorney General Affirms Need For Administrative Processes To Continue

Attorney General Mitch Murphy has once again rejected demands that he become involved in the dispute between David Griffin and the Summerside Police Department.

"It has been stated by the official opposition that I, as Attorney General, should use my considerable authority and 'influence' to resolve the situation. This would be totally inappropriate," said Mr. Murphy.

"I have exercised my authority," says Minister Murphy. "I have considered every submission from the City of Summerside, Deputy Chief Griffin and Mr. Griffin's lawyers. I have reviewed this file with my Deputy Minister, lawyers in the Crown Attorney's Office, as well as the lawyers in the Legal Services Section of my department."

"Once you set aside the publicity generated around this issue, we are left with two disciplinary proceedings against Mr. Griffin relating to the internal operations of the police force," stated Minister Murphy. "There was an allegation that he disobeyed an order of the Chief of the Summerside Police Force. There is now a judicially sanctioned hearing being conducted into this charge before former Provincial Court Judge, Bert Plamondon. Both sides to the dispute will have the opportunity to present their case to an independent and impartial judge. Outside these proceedings we have learned that Mr. Griffin is being investigated for incidents of alleged sexual harassment. Both the hearing and the investigation must run their course. For the Attorney General to use 'his influence' over these proceedings, as suggested by the Opposition, would be contrary to the administration of justice."

The Minister emphasizes that he has no evidence which would warrant such an inquiry. "The charges of disobeying an order against Mr. Griffin should not be the subject of a public inquiry, nor should complaints of sexual harassment. In law, these kinds of processes are handled through administrative processes established in the workplace." Minister Murphy stressed that he would be more inclined to request cabinet to establish a public inquiry if these administrative processes had not been in place.

"Finally, I would like to emphasize that I have complete faith in the Summerside Police Department and its ability to protect and serve the residents of Summerside. At this time, I have no evidence that the police are in anyway encumbered in fulfilling their mandate of enforcing federal and provincial statutes."

Media Contact: Mitch Murphy