Atlantic Premiers Statement

Premier's Office
The Atlantic Premiers have called upon the Government of Canada to put in place an immediate interim plan to implement the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision in the Marshall case. Such transitional measures are required to ensure conservation remains the first priority in the management of the fishery, and efforts are undertaken to dramatically reduce tension and conflict between user groups in the affected Atlantic Provinces.

Meeting this morning in Rockport, Maine, the four Premiers have discussed the need for the federal government to take immediate steps in light of the events this weekend to ensure public order and personal safety of Canadians until a long-term agreement can be reached between all parties affected.

The Premiers this morning spoke with Prime Minister Chretien and federal Fisheries Minister, Herb Dhaliwal, to emphasize the need for the federal government to develop an immediate action plan while at the same time working with all groups to interpret the impact and scope of the Marshall Supreme Court of Canada decision.

Conservation is the top priority of all Canadians, and all Canadians have a common interest in conservation of this resource. It is the federal government's responsibility to work with all affected parties to develop implementation measures that represent the best interests all users of this resource. Conservation of the resource must be the guiding force in reaching consensus.

While the Supreme Court of Canada decision must be respected, it is crucial that the federal government exercise its responsibility and develop an effective resolution to this matter which protects the resource and the rights of all parties.

Media Contact: Maurice Rodgerson