Premiers Catherine Callbeck, Frank McKenna, John Savage and Brian Tobin met today in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island to discuss regional economic cooperation. Items on the agenda included signing of the Atlantic Canada On-Line Agreement and the enhanced Atlantic Procurement Agreement, discussion of a more focused plan for cooperation in the health sector, and a decision to pursue harmonization the regulation of general insurance.
The CAP meeting commenced with a tour of the Atlantic Veterinary College. The premiers were very impressed with the scope of activities in the area of research and animal health. Following the tour, the premiers received a briefing on the interprovincial agreement establishing the College, and options for its renewal. The Atlantic Veterinary College Agreement expires in September 1996. The Atlantic premiers have agreed to a renewed commitment to the Vet College. The Government of PEI will work with the College to develop a business plan that is sensitive to the operational needs of the organization and to the fiscal situation of the provinces. ‘The Atlantic Vet College has been very successful and has gained an outstanding reputation since its inception. The College has placed Atlantic Canada on the map in the area of veterinary medicine,' stated Premier Callbeck.
Two agreements were signed by the Atlantic premiers today – the Atlantic Canada On-Line Agreement, a public-private partnership agreement making public information readily available on-line; and an enhanced Atlantic Procurement Agreement, which now includes the ASH sectors, and is more consistent with the Internal Trade Agreement.
‘Having public information readily accessible and conveniently packaged for businesses in Atlantic Canada will enhance the competitiveness of those businesses relying on that information,' stated Premier McKenna. Premier Tobin added, ‘It doesn't matter where your business is located geographically, the information can be instantly accessed.'
Establishment of an industry/government committee to pursue harmonization of legislation, policies and procedures governing the insurance industry in each Atlantic province was announced today by the premiers, following consultations with industry representatives and other key players in the insurance industry. It is anticipated that more effective operation and administrative efficiencies will be realized as a result of the harmonization.
Cooperation in the health care sector was on the premiers' agenda today in Charlottetown. The premiers received a briefing on numerous ongoing health cooperative arrangements within the Atlantic region. These initiatives include: cooperation in the provision of various expensive and limited demand services, such as specialized pediatric medical services and transplantation services, among others; joint management and planning of health human resources, including planning of training and educational services for several disciplines; the sharing of program and service information in the areas of vital statistics, health indicators and hospital utilization, to name a few; and joint purchase arrangements for pharmaceutical and major capital equipment for hospitals.
"We commend the health ministers for their excellent work, and we will continue to explore further opportunities for cooperation in health,' stated Premier Savage.
In their discussions on education, the premiers directed their ministers responsible for higher education to examine ways and means of ensuring transfer of credits between and amongst provinces in the community college sector including the development of electronic student passports.
The premiers also received updates on current cooperative projects, including efforts to establish an Atlantic Judicial Council; the distance education initiative to make post-secondary education more accessible to Atlantic Canadians; the common core curriculum and performance indicators initiatives of the Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation; and a summary of activities of the Atlantic Emergency Measures Organizations.
Prior to the Conference of Atlantic Premiers' meeting, the four premiers participated in a panel discussion on Atlantic cooperation, in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Chamber of Commerce (APCC). In their address to the APCC, the premiers indicated that Atlantic union will not be a reality in the near future as priorities must be focussed on job creation and economic development in Atlantic Canada. During the discussions, the premiers also expressed their support for a revitalized Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Meeting in Ottawa last week with the Prime Minister, the premiers stressed their view that a renewed commitment to regional development by the federal government is essential and requires the continued existence of an agency mandated to undertake that policy in our region, such as ACOA. The premiers also expressed a desire that decision-making be focussed closest to the point of service delivery, Atlantic Canada, to ensure that ACOA-sponsored programs and services are more responsive to provincial needs and opportunities. The premiers also committed to working cooperatively towards national unity.
The Council of Maritime Premiers 1994-95 Annual Report was tabled today during the premiers' meeting. Copies are available from the Council Secretariat.
For more information, contact:
Kim Thomson, Information Officer
Conference of Atlantic Premiers
P.O. Box 2044
Halifax, NS B3J 2Z1
Tel: (902) 424-8975; Fax: (902) 424-8976;