The Atlantic ministers of education and training agreed today to pursue meetings with all the Members of Parliament from Atlantic Canada, including the federal Cabinet ministers, to initiate a dialogue on the learning needs of Atlantic Canadians.
The ministers also undertook steps to improve student learning and support the implementation of new curriculum in public education. The meeting was hosted by Hon. Madeleine Dubé, NB Minister of Education, and attended by Hon. Margaret-Ann Blaney, NB Minister of Training and Employment Development; Hon. John Ottenheimer, NL Minister of Education; Hon. Jamie Muir, NS Minister of Education; and Hon. Mildred Dover, PEI Minister of Education.
The ministers of education and training recognized that the public debate during the recent federal election revealed common interests and priorities. These include research and development, post-secondary education capacity building, infrastructure, faculty renewal, adult literacy, workplace learning and development, early childhood development and healthy learning environment. The ministers of education and training recognize that these issues are relevant to all Atlantic Canadians and fundamental to the well-being of this region.
The ministers of education and training have directed their senior officials to finalize a plan to solidify the level of cooperation with the federal government, which would include an articulation of the principal issues for discussion with their federal counterparts.
With the establishment of the Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET), formerly the Atlantic Provinces Education Foundation (APEF), in February 2004, ministers of education and training expanded their cooperation agenda to include post-secondary education. Today, the ministers reaffirmed that commitment by moving forward with their action plan, including meeting with the federal government.
Ministers agreed today to support the establishment of an Atlantic Construction Steering Committee. This committee will provide recommendations on matters of joint interest highlighted in the Atlantic Construction Symposium report. The symposium was held last fall and brought together industry and government representatives from the four Atlantic provinces.
In the area of public education, ministers of education and training have also taken steps to support learning in Atlantic Canada by committing to specific initiatives designed to improve student achievement and to assist in the implementation of curriculum.
With respect to student achievement, the ministers will proceed with the development of a primary math assessment resource and researching best practices as it relates to the performance of males. The math assessment resource will assist teachers in identifying the strengths and needs of students from grades entry to three.
Ministers are also taking additional steps to support curriculum implementation. This will be achieved with the development of online math tutorials for high school students, online teacher professional development resources, information resources intended for parents, and French language instructional support resources.
The online math tutorials will be designed to enhance student learning by using a variety of interactive tools and will provide just-in-time assistance for students, teachers and parents. The online teacher professional development resources are intended to assist new and existing teachers by providing professional development opportunities, regardless of their location within the region.
Recognizing the important role of parents, the four departments of education will develop a series of information resources designed to assist parents in obtaining a greater understanding of curriculum and strategies they can use to help their children with their school work.
The French language curriculum support resources are intended for primary to grade four, and will assist teachers in supporting the students in gaining a better understanding of French language, mathematics, and science concepts.
The ministers of education and training are pleased to announce the release of the following resources:
French Language Novels for Grades 3 to 6; Atlas atlantique Beauchemin; Regard sur les provinces atlantiques; Collection Franç’Arts; Livrets de littératie; Core French Survey: A Regional Report; and K-2 Social Studies Curriculum.