Ask, Listen and Talk During Canadian Patient Safety Week

* Health [to Jan 2010]
Canadian Patient Safety Week, taking place November 2 through 6, encourages Islanders and healthcare providers to “Ask. Listen. Talk.” about their healthcare, announced Health Minister, Doug Currie.

Canadian Patient Safety Week is an annual national event that aims to increase awareness of patient safety issues, share information about best practices, and remind the public that good healthcare starts with good communication. Patients and their families are encouraged to ask questions, listen to the answers, and talk about any concerns they might have with their healthcare providers.

“We recognize that patient safety is critically important and are proud to support this initiative,” said Minister Currie. “The Department of Health’s Patient Safety Strategy provides a coordinated and strategic direction for patient safety in our province and focuses on making patient safety everyone’s role. Good communication between patients, families and healthcare providers is a key step in strengthening the healthcare delivery system on Prince Edward Island.”

“It is important that we ensure Islanders are confident in the care they are receiving,” said Dr. Richard Wedge, Director of Medical Programs and Chair of the Provincial Healthcare Safety Advisory Committee. “One of our primary focuses is on educating healthcare providers and Islanders on the importance of good communication regarding medication use.”

Studies show that medication lists for patients admitted to hospital are inaccurate or incomplete over 50% of the time. A patient’s up-to-date and accurate medication list is essential to ensure safe prescribing in any setting. It is very important for people to know ALL their medications and share that information with healthcare providers.

The public is encouraged to become a part of this safety movement and spread the message that good healthcare starts with good communication.

Visit for more information about Canadian Patient Safety Week.

Media Contact: Amanda Hamel