Hon. Paul Connolly, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women is pleased to announce the appointment of new members to the Advisory Council on the Status of Women. The three new members, Marguerite Arsenault, Mary Nicholson, and Eva Rogerson, each were appointed to three year terms by Cabinet effective 23 September 1996.
Marguerite Arsenault is a Field Technical Advisor with Heart Health P.E.I. and volunteers with the Eastern Kings Interagency Committee on Family Violence Prevention and the Eastern Kings Active Living Community.
Mary Nicholson is an active member of the P.E.I. legal community. She is involved in a number of community organizations and has a particular interest in those that work on women's issues, such as the Women's Legal Education Action Fund - LEAF.
Eva Rogerson received national recognition by being presented the national volunteer award in Ottawa in June 1996. She works as a Seniors and Literacy Coordinator in the West Prince Area.
Outgoing Chairperson, Anne Nicholson is delighted with the Cabinet's decision to approve nominations endorsed by the Advisory Council. "We asked residents from each county to put forward names of women to fill the vacancies who are actively involved in their communities," said Ms. Nicholson. "We are grateful that the members of Cabinet approved the nominations that were made."
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Appointments to the Advisory Council on the Status of Women ... Page 2
Cabinet also approved the appointment of sitting members, Sharon O'Brien, Cornwall, as Chairperson, and Audrey Currie, Montague, as Vice Chair. Ms. O'Brien and Ms. Currie will serve in these positions for a term expiring 16 February 1998. Norma DesRoches of Summerside was also re-appointed as a member for a two-year term effective 23 September 1996.
"I am very pleased to have Ms. O'Brien and Ms. Currie appointed as Chair and Vice Chair. It's very important to have Sharon's experience in community development and Audrey's experience and interest in issues concerning women and education," said Minister Connolly. "With the diverse experience of members, the Council is better able to address varied issues concerning the status of women on P.E.I."
For more information contact: Lisa Murphy, Executive Director, Advisory Council on the Status of Women, (902) 368-4510.