The Prince Edward Island Agriculture Insurance Corporation has extended the deadline for applications under the Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA) program to July 31. The announcement was part of a number of changes made under safety net programs to better respond to the needs of farmers. As well, in the near future, farmers will also be able to apply for an advance payment of up to 60 percent for the 1999 taxation year.
"We will continue to assess the need for changes in the program to ensure that it responds to the needs of producers and provides funds more quickly," said Agriculture and Forestry Minister Eric Hammill. "The changes which we are announcing today will mean that eligible farmers could receive a payment for both the 1998 taxation year and an advance on the 1999 taxation year."
Earlier this week, Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Lyle Vanclief announced that agreement had been reached by the federal and provincial ministers that would provide faster access to the AIDA program and to increase accessibility to funds in the Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA) program. Under NISA, the minimum income trigger increases from $10,000 to $20,000 for an individual and from $20,000 to $35,000 for farm families. A number of other changes in NISA were announced, including measures to help expanding operations more easily access their accounts.
Mr. Hammill said he will continue to work with his federal and provincial colleagues and industry representatives to ensure that the program meets the goals for which it was intended.