Angling season opens April 15

* Agriculture and Forestry [to May 2015]
As angling season gets underway, anglers are asked to use caution due to the snow and ice still present across the province, says Minister of Agriculture and Forestry George Webster.

“For many people angling season is a welcome marker of spring however this year, we still have a lot of ice and snow in certain areas of the province,” said Minister Webster. “We ask that all anglers use caution in selecting their fishing sites.”

Many Island roads, rivers and ponds are still covered in ice which may be weak and unstable. Falling into the cold water can quickly lead to hypothermia and even death unless you can get out and warmed up again immediately. Many Island access roads are still filled with deep snow. Anglers who plan to travel through these areas to access fishing locations should let someone know where they plan to go, in case they get stuck.

Island waterways are among the most productive in Canada, and species such as Brook Trout find excellent habitat here. Many rivers host annual runs of Sea Trout that can reach seven pounds in size. Atlantic Salmon can be found in several Island streams and rivers, and many more waterways support healthy populations of Rainbow Trout. In recent years local watershed groups have worked to stabilize soil, remove silt and establish proper buffer zones along Island streams and this has also had many positive effects for these freshwater species.

The anticipation of opening day dates back generations. A feed of fresh trout and other fish is a welcome change and a tasty sign that summer and fresher foods are just around the corner. Fishing in the great outdoors is a wonderful way to reconnect with nature and to enjoy the beauty of our Island.

“For generations, April 15 has been an important day on Prince Edward Island, as people go out to rivers, streams and ponds across the Island to spend a day in the outdoors fishing with friends and family,” said Minister Webster. “Fishing is a fun activity and a great way to enjoy nature but safety is the most important thing.”

Everyone is advised to consult the 2014 Angling Summary for any new regulations or restrictions before they go out fishing. 2014 angling licenses are available at retail outlets across the Island and online at .

Media Contact: Ken Mayhew