Their Honours the Honourable H. Frank Lewis, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island and Mrs. Dorothy Lewis welcome everyone to the traditional New Year’s Day Levée. The levée will be at Government House, the Lieutenant Governor’s residence, on January 1 from 10 a.m. until 11:30 a.m.
Throughout the past year, Their Honours have been pleased with the number of people who have made their first visit to Government House. They encourage everyone to consider the levée an ideal opportunity to see the interior of the 1834 home for the first time. His Honour will present a commemorative pin to anyone who indicates he or she is a first-time visitor.
As is the custom, callers will be able to enjoy refreshments of beverages and sweets, prepared and served by staff and many dedicated volunteers. Holiday decorations will be on display.
The New Year’s levée is a custom dating back over two centuries, and Prince Edward Island has a particularly strong affinity for the opportunity to ring in the New Year with greetings and good cheer. Levées are open to everyone, including young people.
Vehicle traffic onto Government House grounds during the levée is limited to those people who have mobility impairments. The main floor of Government House is accessible and mobility-impaired visitors may be driven to the access ramp at the northeast end of the verandah. The front entrance of Government House is accessible. All other visitors are asked to use the side entrance.
His Honour extends his best wishes to the people of Prince Edward Island. “It is my sincere hope that everyone enjoys the blessings of peace, health and happiness at this time of year and throughout 2013,” says the Honourable Frank Lewis.
“Even in times of uncertainty and sadness, there is much for which we can be thankful, including our freedoms – the freedom to worship, to gather and to speak our views. I encourage each person also to feel the freedom to be kind, tolerant, generous in word and deed and to be understanding of others. May we truly have a Happy New Year,” added His Honour.