Ministers of agriculture from the four Atlantic provinces have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate on the development of the agriculture and agri-food sector in the region. Under the agreement, ministers agreed to increase areas of cooperation, share information and expertise and partner on mutually beneficial initiatives. They also agreed to collaborate to address the regional impacts of federal policies and programs.
Ministers noted that the agriculture and agri-food industry is a significant part of the economy of the Atlantic region. There are approximately 8,800 farms which employ more than 15,000 people. Total annual farm cash receipts are approximately $1.4 billion and the total value of farm capital is more than $5.6 billion. Exports of agri-food products from the region to international markets are in excess of $912 million.
“The agriculture and agri-food industry provides a significant opportunity to increase its contribution to the economy of the Atlantic region,” said George Webster, Prince Edward Island Minister of Agriculture. “Increased cooperation will enable governments and industry in the region to build on their strengths and opportunities.”
Under the MOU, Ministers agreed to work toward harmonized regulatory and policy initiatives in areas such as food safety and quality, traceability, environmental stewardship, research and statistics, extension services, animal health and beneficial management practices.
Ministers also noted that, with a regional population of 2.2 million people and with 100 million consumers in central Canada and the northeast United States, there are major market opportunities for agriculture and food products produced in Atlantic Canada.
“If our agriculture sector is going to be competitive, it is imperative that both the agriculture departments as well as industry stakeholders find additional ways to work together as a region,” said New Brunswick Agriculture and Aquaculture Minister Ronald Ouellette. “The Memorandum of Understanding we signed today provides the framework for us to do that.”
The MOU formalizes the cooperative efforts that are already underway.
“Regional cooperation among the Atlantic provinces is necessary so we can further develop and build our agriculture and agri-food sector,” said Nova Scotia Minister of Agriculture Mark Parent. “This agreement provides the foundation for sharing and partnering on mutual initiatives that will ensure a sustainable agriculture industry. We will work together on issues affecting the industry, share and develop infrastructure opportunities and pursue regional marketing and promotional initiatives.”
Kathy Dunderdale, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister responsible for the Agrifoods Agency in Newfoundland and Labrador, was unable to attend the meeting of her counterparts, but said she looks forward to the increased cooperation on issues of regional concern. “We really need to pool our resources and work together as a region to advance the industry in Atlantic Canada and present a united front to the federal government on programs and policies that will benefit or impact on this region,“ said Dunderdale. “While agreeing to work together on areas of mutual interest and concern, the MOU in no way precludes individual provinces from dealing with issues unique to their particular circumstances.”
Ministers instructed their officials to develop a workplan to assess progress on an ongoing basis and identify new opportunities for collaboration.