AFRI Projects Approved

* Fisheries and Tourism [to May 2000]
Kevin J. MacAdam, Minister of Fisheries and Tourism, announced today that six research projects have been approved to date this year under the Aquaculture and Fisheries Research Initiative. Total funding of $129,021 has been approved to assist industry to answer research questions in species including oysters, quahaugs, soft shell clams, lobster, mussels and Arctic charr.

"I am pleased to see that the fishery sectors are looking to the Aquaculture and Fisheries Research Initiative as a means of answering applied developmental research questions," said Mr. MacAdam. "These industry-led projects demonstrate that PEI has expertise to carry out high quality research. The results of these projects will strengthen the knowledge base in the fishery."

The PEI Aquaculture Alliance has received funding to examine off-bottom production of oysters, production of triploid mussel seed, soft shell clam predator control and Arctic charr brood stock development. The Alliance will be working with affiliated Associations including the Island Oyster Growers Group, PEI Cultured Mussel Growers Association, Clam Growers Group and the PEI Finfish Growers Association to coordinate the research. Research expertise from the Atlantic Veterinary College, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Department of Fisheries and Tourism will be utilized.

The PEI Shellfish Association will study reproduction in quahaugs and methods to enhance spat settlement. Federal and provincial fisheries departments will work cooperatively on the project. A research project will be undertaken by Aqua Health Ltd., Charlottetown, to field test Gaffogen, a vaccine the company has produced to preserve lobster health in pounds and possibly delay the moulting process.

The Aquaculture and Fisheries Research Initiative was established by the Department of Fisheries and Tourism to encourage short-term applied research in the areas of aquaculture, lobster health and seafood processing technology. The Initiative is administered by a Board of Directors comprised of government, research and industry. Eligible applicants include industry associations, producers, and research institutions. The next application deadline is December 15.

Media Contact: Lewie Creed