An active living guide for older adults is currently being distributed across the province in an effort to educate older adults about the benefits of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle says the Honourable Chester Gillan, Minister responsible for Recreation and Sport.
"Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living for Older Adults is being distributed at various events and offices across the province," said Minister Gillan. "We want to get the message out to Islanders that it is never too late to integrate physical activity into your lifestyle or to increase your level of physical activity."
Minister Gillan recognizes that Island seniors are becoming increasingly active. He emphasized that Island seniors play an important role in encouraging youth to become physically active. Minister Gillan encourages older adults to make use of the Confederation Trail and to participate in the many recreational programs offered in communities across the province, particularly organized walking programs at malls and other locations.
Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living for Older Adults provides simple guidelines on how to achieve health benefits by integrating physical activity into one's daily routine. It also provides suggestions and examples on the types of activities to improve endurance, flexibility, and strength and balance.
Some of the primary benefits of regular physical activity, as listed in the guide, include: continued independent living; better physical and mental health; improved quality of life; more energy; easier movement with fewer aches and pains; better posture and balance; improved self esteem; weight maintenance; stronger muscles and bones; relaxation and reduced stress.
Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living for Older Adults also cites the following facts:
- recent studies indicate 60 per cent of older adults are physically inactive;
- sitting or lying for long periods is a serious health risk;
- inactivity leads to a decline in bone and muscle strength, heart and lung fitness, and flexibility;
- inactivity is as harmful to your health as smoking.
Minister Gillan emphasized that the Department of Education and the PEI Active Living Alliance will continue to work together to ensure Prince Edward Island works towards becoming the most physically active province in Canada.
The publication of Canada's Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living for Older Adults was a collaborative effort between Health Canada and the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology. It also involved partners at all government levels, non-profit and community organizations, and scientific experts.
Free copies of the guide are available by calling 1-888-334-9769, or visiting the Canada's Physical Activity Guide web site at