News Archives
Government of Prince Edward Island news releases dated April 18, 1996 – October 31, 2016 are available here.
Search archived news releases by department or agency name, approximate date, or enter general words in key word search.
*Denotes department and agency names which have changed over time, this may impact search results.
Western School Board to Introduce Advanced Placement Program
High school students in the Western School Board will soon have access to Advanced Placement courses that will allow them to earn university or college credits while still in high school. Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Gerard Greenan says the school board plans to introduce the… |
Province Introduces Payday Loans Act
A bill that will regulate payday lenders in the province was introduced in the PEI legislature today. “In the fall, we invited the public to comment on this issue,” said Premier Robert Ghiz, “and the response clearly indicated that Islanders want these lenders to be regulated. I am very pleased… |
Confederation Centre Public Library Enhances Services for Newcomers
The Confederation Centre Public Library has added staff and resources to help serve newcomers to Prince Edward Island. The library has recently received a selection of Chinese books, which will be processed and available for lending in the near future. By continually adding to both print and… |
Mercury Warning Issued for O’Keefe’s Lake Trout
Following the results of recent tests for mercury in fish, the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry, and the Chief Health Officer of Prince Edward Island are recommending that the public not keep fish caught in O’Keefe’s Lake. Testing for mercury has occurred in this lake since 1998 and… |
“BookPEI” the New Central Reservation System for Prince Edward Island is up and Running for 2009
Valerie E. Docherty, Minister of Tourism, is pleased to announce the official launch of the new “BookPEI” Prince Edward Island Central Reservation System. Visitors can now book accommodations directly online on the tourism website or through the Tourism PEI Vacation Planning Centres. “This is only… |
Artists and Visionaries Honoured at 2009 Prince Edward Island Arts Awards
Four Islanders and one Island community were honoured last night at the 2009 Prince Edward Island Arts Awards. Premier Robert Ghiz and Ministers Carolyn Bertram and Gerard Greenan joined Lieutenant Governor Barbara Hagerman and Dr. Greg Doran, Chair of the Prince Edward Island Arts Council, at… |
Artists and Visionaries Honoured at 2009 Prince Edward Island Arts Awards
Four Islanders and one Island community were honoured last night at the 2009 Prince Edward Island Arts Awards. Premier Robert Ghiz and Ministers Carolyn Bertram and Gerard Greenan joined Lieutenant Governor Barbara Hagerman and Dr. Greg Doran, Chair of the Prince Edward Island Arts Council, at… |
Nominations open for Environmental Awards
Islanders will once again have an opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of environmental leaders in their communities with a nomination for the 2009 Prince Edward Island Environmental Awards, Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry Richard Brown announced. The awards, to be presented in June… |
Provincial Science Fair Celebrates Science on Prince Edward Island
More than 300 young scientists will come together at the provincial science fair Thursday, April 2, to showcase their science abilities and connect with other young scientists from across the province. Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Gerard Greenan encouraged the public to… |
Province Eliminates Emergency Ambulance Fees for Seniors
Effective today, Prince Edward Island senior citizens, 65 years of age and over, are no longer required to pay the $150 fee for emergency ambulance services. “Our government is committed to reducing the cost of emergency care and I am very pleased to follow through on our commitment to… |
Petroleum Pricing
The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission approved the following petroleum pricing decisions, effective 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, April 1, 2009:• Gasoline prices will increase by 2.0 cents per litre (cpl); • Furnace and stove oil prices will increase by 3.0 cpl;• Diesel prices will increase by 3.0… |
Minister Continues Discussions on Rural Development Strategy
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair met last week with representatives of the Tourism Industry Association of Prince Edward Island as part of ongoing discussions on a rural development strategy for the province. Mr. LeClair has been meeting with industry groups and… |
Provincial Minister Pleased with Shrimp Decision
Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Neil LeClair has welcomed news that Prince Edward Island will be receiving an increased allocation of Gulf shrimp this year. The allocation has been increased to 426 metric tonnes from the current 263 metric tonnes. As well, the allocation will… |
Commission on Land and Local Governance to Begin Public Hearings
The Commission on the Land and Local Governance has announced the schedule for public hearings. “The Commission has decided to hold public hearings in order to give interested parties an opportunity to present their views on issues set out in the Commission’s Terms of Reference,” said Commission… |
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Taking Extra Precautions
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) is reporting three cases of newborns who have tested positive for Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). These cases have been identified over several weeks and appear to be unrelated. Although testing positive for MRSA, all three newborns remained… |
Farmers Helping Farmers Recognizes Volunteers
Farmers Helping Farmers is requesting nominations for three volunteer awards. The awards, established in 2008, recognize the contributions of the organization’s volunteers, supporters and members. Sandra MacKinnon, awards committee chair, says that the success of any organization is dependent upon… |
Government of Canada and Prince Edward Island Launch Flexible and Innovative Growing Forward Programs for Producers
Federal Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and the Honourable George Webster today announced details of new agricultural programs for farmers in Prince Edward Island under the Growing Forward framework. The announcement follows the signing of the Growing Forward bilateral and contribution agreements… |
Consultations Scheduled for Natural Areas Protection Act Properties
The Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry, the Honourable Richard Brown, announced today that the provincial government will hold public consultations for designation of 12 parcels of public land as Natural Areas under the Natural Areas Protection Act. “Protecting the ecosystems and natural… |
Community, Government to Plan Future of Scales Pond
Government officials will meet with community groups in order to decide what to do about the failed impoundment at Scales Pond, Prince Edward Island’s Environment, Energy and Forestry Minister said Monday. “We want to talk to community groups and watershed groups in the area in order to see what… |
Road Users Asked to Use Caution During Spring Thaw
Over the next few days maintenance crews from the Department of Transportation and Public Works will be out in full force assessing and repairing damage caused to Island roads by high volumes of water from the spring thaw. Roads in all three counties have been affected by scattered wash-outs and… |