After overwhelming demand from Islanders interested in acquiring a copy of The Public Archives 2014 Almanac and Miscellany Celebrating 1864, the Public Archives has printed an additional one thousand hard copies of the book, says Minister of Tourism and Culture Robert Henderson.
“We had a contest to give away 200 copies of the Almanac, and we received over 500 entries,” said Minister Henderson. “We’ve also heard from at least one local bookstore that’s been inundated with requests for the publication. So given the level of interest we’ve been seeing, we’ve decided to publish additional copies of the Almanac for sale at several locations.”
The Almanac gives a month by month accounting of important events that occurred on the Island in 1864 and explores different themes including land issues, major towns and even fashion. It also gives individuals an opportunity to keep records of events in 2014. A monthly 2014 calendar is provided in each chapter as well as several blank pages for record keeping. There are also advertisements from 1864, diary entries, photos, clippings from various publications, and other items from the Public Archives.
The Public Archives originally printed one thousand copies of the Almanac for distribution to public libraries and to be used as prizes at the provincial heritage fair. The Archives also made a free, downloadable, electronic version available on the Public Archives and Records Office website.
“We thought that would be plenty but to our delight the level of interest was much greater than we anticipated,” said Provincial Archivist Jill MacMicken-Wilson. “People really wanted a bound copy of the Almanac for themselves. Once we realized just how great the demand was going to be, we decided to change our course and make them available for purchase.”
Entries for the draw are now closed and winners have been notified by email.
The Public Archives 2014 Almanac and Miscellany Celebrating 1864: A Look at Prince Edward Island in the Year of the Charlottetown Conference is available for $10 at Beaconsfield Historic House and the Bookmark in Charlottetown, at Eptek Centre in Summerside, and at the Public Archives and Records Office in the Coles Building on Richmond Street in Charlottetown.