Islanders can now pick up their copies of the 35th edition of the Province of Prince Edward Island Annual Statistical Review, a document that provides a comprehensive picture of life on the Island. The 2008 Review includes information on the economy, population and social make-up of P.E.I.
“We take a close look at population, labour force, personal incomes and industry factors whenever we plan for the future,” said Provincial Treasurer Wes Sheridan. “The Annual Statistical Review is widely regarded as a choice source for this information. It provides a real snapshot of what is happening right across our province.”
PEI Highlights from 2008 include:
• Island population totals 139,818;
• Economic growth of 0.9 per cent;
• Employment increased by 1.3 per cent to average 70,200 for the year;
• Unemployment Rate increased slightly to 10.8 per cent;
• Total labour income increased by 3.7 per cent;
• Farm cash receipts valued $390.3 million, an increase of 1.1 per cent;
• The value of retail sales increased by 5.6 per cent;
• Housing starts totaled 712.
The 35th Annual Statistical Review contains new data tables on Justice and the Health of Islanders. The document can be viewed online at
Printed copies will be available soon from Island Information Service, 11 Kent Street, Charlottetown (tel. 1-902-368-4000, fax 1-902-368-5544).