1995 Maritime University Graduate Survey Results Released

* Education [to Apr 2008]
The results of the 1995 Graduate Survey were released today by the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (MPEHC) in partnership with the Maritime governments. The survey provides detailed student graduate profiles including information on their university experience, earning, debt load, migration patterns and continuing education. PEI scored well on the survey, the first of its type in Canada.

"The overall results show that graduates are satisfied with the education being offered by Maritime universities. Specifically, however, I am extremely pleased with the survey results as related to the University of Prince Edward Island," said Education Minister Chester Gillan. "A high percentage of Island graduates reported they were very satisfied with the facilities, faculties and class sizes in their respective programs of study. As well, we see that many Islanders have embraced the concept of life-long learning by returning to school for credits following graduation."

A summary of the Island results are as follows:

92 per cent of Island graduates report they are very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their university program

83 per cent of Island graduates were very satisfied or somewhat satisfied that their program was worth the financial investment

42 per cent of Island graduates return to school for credit courses following graduation.

The survey also showed that 80 per cent of Island respondents remained in the province one year following graduation. It is interesting to note that Maritime students who moved to other parts of the country were not more likely to be employed than those who remained. When asked about their employment status as of June 1996, 70 per cent of UPEI graduates reported they were employed on a full-time basis and only nine per cent were unemployed.

The only results currently available for debt load are Maritime based. Fifty-one per cent of Maritime graduates finished their programs with no debt, and the amount of debt for the remaining 49 per cent was approximately $12,000.

The MPHEC coordinated the survey along with a provincial steering committee with representatives from the three Maritime provinces. Baseline Market Research conducted the survey which involved 17 institutions and about 11,000 students.

UPEI was the only university in the study to have the entire graduating class, which was 555 students, as its sample size. "The fact that the entire class participated will be important in giving us an accurate picture of what is happening in this province," added Minister Gillan. "As well, it validates that the information we have received is sound."

The survey results will play an important role in facilitating change and decision making at the government and institutional level. They will also be useful to high school guidance counsellors in helping students make informed post secondary decisions.

Although a date has not yet been set, there are plans to conduct the survey on an annual basis.

Media Contact: Calvin Caiger