Minister of Development and Technology Mike Currie announced today 10 Island projects that will receive funding through the Provincial Government’s new Research and Development Fund, administered by PEI Business Development and Technology PEI.
In April 2005, the research and development initiative was created to build capacity in research and development innovation by supporting transformation of ideas into products and services. A request for proposals was posted Island-wide, and 10 PEI projects were selected under the first round of funding.
“The Government of Prince Edward Island is pleased to provide support to Island establishments looking to explore products and services in the area of research and development that have commercial potential,” said Minister Currie. “This fund encourages research that will lead to the development of new products, economic growth, and employment opportunities in the province. Being a small province actually works to our advantage in that it houses a cluster of research and development facilities all within close proximity where businesses, governments and academic institutions can collaborate on leading edge projects in a timely fashion.”
The following 10 projects were approved under the new Research and Development initiative.
1. University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)/National Research Council-Institute for Nutrisciences and Health – Rodent Model for Parkinsons’ Disease, Dr. Cai Song.
2. UPEI - Department of Health Management – Local Support for the Canadian Bovine Mastitis Research Network, Dr. Ian Dohoo.
3. Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) – Immunization of Atlantic Salmon Against Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Dr. Fred Kibenge.
4. UPEI - Department of Family and Nutritional Sciences – Identification and characterization of Bioactive Compounds from Native Marine Plant Species, Dr. Carolanne Nelson.
5. AVC – The Commercial Potential of FTIR Research in Prince Edward Island, Dr. Christopher Riley.
6. Centre for Aquatic Health Services – Finfish Aquaculture Epidemiology and Disease Intervention Research Program, Dr. Larry Hammell and Dr. Don Rainnie.
7. Progressive Bioactives – Beta-Glucan Based Immune System Modulating Agents, Yeast Source and Extraction Platform, Shane Patelakis.
8. Atlantech Companies – Development of Tertiary Wastewater Treatment Technology, Doug Wright.
9. Atlantic Swine Research Partnership Inc. – Development of an Information System for Pig Production, Dr. Dan Hurnik.
10. AVC - Establishment of a Centre for Excellence for Equine Bone, Tendon and Ligament Repair, Dr. Laurie McDuffee.
“Funds must be devoted to research and product development if our economy is to continue to thrive and grow,” Minister Currie stated. “The Government of Prince Edward Island recognizes the importance of providing support to key sectors that engage in research and development. We have the opportunity not only to engage in ground-breaking research, but also to lead the way in both developing and manufacturing products that come as a result of research.”
A Request for Proposal was issued in the summer of 2005 and 40 applications were submitted. The total value of the 10 approved projects exceeded $21 million. Through the new Research and Development Initiative and traditional funds from PEI Business Development and Technology PEI, an amount of $685,343 has been approved for these projects.
PEI Business Development Inc. and Technology PEI work with businesses in Prince Edward Island to strengthen and expand the provincial economy through business development. Adding value and generating wealth, PEI Business Development and Technology PEI offer a diverse range of programs and services to Island-based businesses.