Lobster fishery receives certification

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
The Prince Edward Island lobster fishery has received eco-certification through Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). This will support new and increased access for Island lobster into key markets around the world and ensure the industry remains strong in an increasingly competitive global market.

Eco-certification is a voluntary method of environmental performance and sustainable fisheries management measurement against a set of standards. This type of certification is increasingly becoming a demand in international seafood markets such as the European Union as well as many of the world’s largest supermarkets and food distributors. Domestically larger food retail companies such as Sobeys, Loblaws, Whole Food and Walmart now have requirements for all seafood to be sourced from sustainable fisheries. MSC is one of the most widely recognized eco third-party certification standards.

The MSC certification of the PEI lobster trap fishery was the result of the combined efforts of PEI Fishermen’s Association, the PEI Seafood Processors Association, the Abegweit First Nation and the Lennox Island First Nation. The certification of this fishery is an example of a co-management approach as participants in the PEI lobster fishery worked with Fisheries and Oceans Canada Gulf Region to attain certification against the global MSC standard. The provincial Department of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development assisted the harvesting and processing groups throughout the assessment.

The Prince Edward Island lobster fishery is a major contributor to the province generating over $200 million to the economy and employing over 5,000 Islanders each year. In 2013, 28.7 million pounds of lobster were landed, an all-time high.


“This is a huge achievement and result of the collaborative work of the harvesters, processors, First Nations and government support,” said Craig Avery, president of PEI Fishermen's Association. “The Prince Edward Island lobster fishery harvesting and processing sectors are proud of their conservation, cooperative resource management and ability to supply world markets and are pleased to attain MSC certification, demonstrating the fishery is sustainable and well-managed.”

Jeff Malloy, president of the PEI Seafood Processors Association added, “Achieving the MSC certification of PEI lobster confirms for our many clients that the stock is managed on a sustainable basis. For over 100 years, lobster has been and will continue to be the cornerstone of our fishery in PEI. It was a pleasure to work with our many processors, harvesters and federal and provincial regulators during this certification process.”

“Our First Nations are proud to be part of the client group for this MSC certification,” said Chief Brian Francis of Abegweit First Nation and Chief Matilda Ramjattan of Lennox Island First Nation. “Sustainability of the resource is primary in our Aboriginal culture and this is a positive step for the PEI lobster industry. As both harvesters and processors of lobster, our community members look forward to enjoying the economic benefits of a stable, sustainable wild fishery in the global market place.”

Media Contact: April Gallant