55th Annual Premiers’ Conference
Through work in their respective jurisdictions and their collaboration on the Health Care Innovation Working Group (HCIWG), Premiers have demonstrated their commitment to enhancing Canadians’ health care and achieving better value for money across health care systems.
Over the past year, the HCIWG has focused on the priority areas of pharmaceuticals, appropriateness of care, and seniors care, including aging in place and early diagnosis and treatment of dementia.
Collaborative efforts on pharmaceuticals have resulted in price reductions on 10 generic drugs and 43 brand name drugs. This work results in over $260 million in combined savings annually. The working group will continue to focus on developing a more consistent and formalized process for negotiations and price reductions.
As part of Premiers’ commitment to provide quality and sustainable health care to seniors, the Working Group explored options to prioritize home care over long-term care and institutionalization and shared innovative policies and programs that support “aging in place” and the early diagnosis and treatment of dementia. In light of the emphasis on aging through the Chair’s Initiative announced today, the HCIWG was directed to continue their work on seniors care and the changing and growing needs of a rapidly aging population.
Co-Chairs of the HCIWG, Premiers Ghiz, Wynne and Pasloski look forward to leading the continued collaborative efforts on the three areas of focus to ensure the delivery of sustainable and quality health care services for all Canadians. Premiers also welcomed the decision of Québec to participate in the Health Care Innovation Working Group.
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