Province improving access to hearing tests for Islanders

Expanding the role of private audiologists will provide Islanders with better access to procedures such as hearing tests, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.

“This is a great step toward increasing access to health care services that are important to Islanders,” said Minister Currie. “Government made a commitment to expand the roles of private audiologists and, as a result, audiologists with additional training now will be able to take on more responsibility for patient care and some services provided by the private audiologists will now be covered by Health PEI.”

The expansion of the role of Masters trained audiologists will improve access to private audiology services for all Islanders. Previously, private audiologists were unable to bill the health system directly for hearing tests performed. Beginning in October of this year, audiologists with Masters level training will be able to bill the health system directly, significantly reducing financial barriers to audiology services and providing more efficient access for Islanders.

“With an aging population, the incidence of hearing loss is expected to rise. Children also need timely access to testing and support to identify any potential hearing loss,” said Deborah Bradley, Executive Director of Community Health for Health PEI. “The expanded role of private audiologists will provide faster access to hearing and impedance tests for all Islanders. These two tests are the first steps individuals need to take in order to begin to understand their issues with hearing loss.”

In addition to improved access to private audiologist resources, referrals for these services can now come from family physicians, nurse practitioners, public health nurses and speech language pathologists. Individuals accessing these services must be over the age of four and can see a private audiologist every two years.

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Media Contact: Maureen Flanagan-LeClair