The hot dry weather of the last few days has Island forest fire fighters concerned.
“The recent warm and windy weather has raised the Fire Weather Index (FWI) to Moderate in eastern and central PEI and High in western areas of the Province,” said Reg Conohan, Acting Field Services Manager. “With more high temperatures and gusty winds forecast for the next few days, the FWI could reach very high or even extreme over this Canada Day holiday.”
Effective immediately, burning permits are no longer valid and outdoor burning will not be allowed until the FWI returns to Low. Burning Permits are required for any outdoor fire from March 15 - December 1 each year and burning can only occur when the Fire Weather Index (FWI) is Low and wind speeds are 10km/hr or less. Burning may only occur under the conditions required by the Burning Permit. People are advised to check the Fire Weather Index before they begin any burns and to always keep water and shovels close by to prevent wildfires from spreading.
It is the responsibility of the permit holder to check the forecast and have accurate FWI information before initiating any fire. They must also have adequate personnel and resources on hand to prevent the fire from escaping. Burning Permits are available free-of-charge from any forest district office.
Fire Weather Index information is available from any forest district office, online at, or by calling (902) 368-4800 after hours to hear an automated FWI recording.