The Department of Community Services and Seniors is making an investment of $2.8 million over five years to increase food rates for Social Assistance clients, says Valerie E. Docherty, Minister of Community Services and Seniors.
“We made a commitment in the Social Action Plan to explore options for Social Assistance food rate increases,” said Minister Docherty. “As a result, effective September 1, 2014, social assistance food rates will increase five per cent for a single adult, and comparable amounts for families. I am very proud that, for the very first time, the province is increasing food rates based on the PEI Consumer Price Index for food (using a 10 year average) and in recognition of the National Nutritious Food Basket as the standard for food costing.”
Increases are projected to range from 17 to 50 per cent depending upon the number of people in the family. During the spring of 2014 department staff met with food security advocacy groups who provided feedback on food rates and food security issues.
“We were fortunate to have had valuable input from these community groups and the feedback we received helped us to shape this plan,” said Minister Docherty. “We want to continue this collaborative process and therefore, we are establishing a working group on food insecurity under the umbrella of the Social Action Plan.
“Our government is committed to supporting Islanders in need and these changes will enable our Government to implement additional increases in future years based on the Consumer Price Index.”
Backgrounder – Rate increases, effective September 1, 2014