Last weekend, 83 kindergarten teachers graduated with their Bachelor of Education degree, which was an important milestone in the successful transition to a public full-day kindergarten program in our Island school system, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac.
“As part of the transition, kindergarten teachers were required to obtain their Bachelor of Education degree. The University of Prince Edward Island developed a flexible program to accommodate these teachers,” said Minister McIsaac. “Congratulations to each of these graduates. Thank you for rising to this challenge and for your dedication to Island children.”
Almost 6,000 Island children have now completed full-day, free kindergarten before entering grade one. Transitioning to kindergarten in the public school system required the purchase of kindergarten equipment, books and resources, curriculum material, program and classroom supplies, and furniture. Over 100 Island classrooms were re-configured. 132 kindergarten educators were added to the system, and additional custodians, educational assistants and bus drivers were hired.
Kindergarten teachers, supported by specialists, deliver the provincially authorized integrated play-based curriculum. Over 100 Early Childhood Educators received training at the university level to achieve their B.Ed. - Kindergarten credentials. Training was also provided to existing administrators, educators, and school and board-based staff.
“Moving kindergarten into public schools has been one of the largest initiatives undertaken in the history of education in Prince Edward Island,” said Minister McIsaac. “Kindergarten teachers bring a richness of knowledge and experience to the public school system and have helped ensure that the introduction of kindergarten to the school system has been a positive experience in the best interest of Island children.”
Learn more about kindergarten at