A new almanac from the Public Archives and Records Office will provide readers with an overview of life on Prince Edward Island 150 years ago and will be a great addition to the 2014 celebrations, says Minister of Tourism and Culture Robert Henderson.
“This new almanac gives a month by month accounting of important events that occurred here on the Island in 1864 and explores different themes including land issues, major towns and even fashion,” says Minister Henderson. “It is an excellent resource for history buffs and for anyone that has an interest in learning about life on Prince Edward Island in the mid-1800s, or keeping a diary of events and activities in 2014. It also aligns perfectly with one of the primary goals of the 2014 celebrations – honouring the past.”
One thousand copies of The Public Archives 2014 Almanac and Miscellany Celebrating 1864: A look at Prince Edward Island in the Year of the Charlottetown Conference will be published by the Queen’s Printer. Copies will be made available for borrowing from all public libraries on Prince Edward Island and will be given out at special heritage events throughout the year. A free, downloadable, electronic version of the Almanac is also available on the Public Archives and Records office website.
“Staff at the Public Archives conducted an intensive search of records to locate references to the Charlottetown Conference of 1864 and other important events held throughout that year,” said Provincial Archivist Jill MacMicken-Wilson. “The intent of the project is to make Islanders and visitors more aware of the important events of 1864 and the celebrations of 2014, and to perhaps introduce Islanders to the lost practice of record keeping in almanacs.”
Not only does the almanac provide a glimpse of the Island’s history, but it also gives individuals an opportunity to keep records of events in 2014. A monthly 2014 calendar is provided in each chapter as well as several blank pages for record keeping. There are also advertisements from 1864, diary entries, photos, clippings from various publications and other items from the Public Archives.
To celebrate, the Public Archives is holding a draw to give away 200 hard copies of the 1864 Almanac. To enter simply send an email containing your name, address and phone number to almanac@gov.pe.ca. The draw will be made on Heritage Day in February.
To download a pdf or e-book version of the Almanac, visit www.gov.pe.ca/archives.