Islanders voice opinions on land use

Almost 800 Islanders responded to an online survey conducted by the Task Force on Land Use Policy.

“We are extremely pleased with the response to the survey by so many people who have an interest in the future of land use in Prince Edward Island,“ said Task Force Chair John Handrahan. “The input we received will help us better understand public opinion on land use issues as we complete our report and its recommendations.”

The top areas of concern of those who participated in the survey were soil erosion and soil quality, pollution of water, coastal erosion, loss of natural area and habitat, and development on prime agricultural land. The majority of respondents believe that the best farm land should be kept in agriculture or related resource uses and not open for any kind of development. There was also strong support to restrict development that could affect significant viewscapes. In general, respondents had strong opinions about how or where development should take place.

Because the survey was voluntary, the results cannot be considered as statistically representative of the views of all Islanders. The survey was conducted between early September and the end of October.

“The results of the survey reflect the feedback that the Task Force heard at the seven public meetings,” said Mr. Handrahan. “They clearly indicate that Islanders have strong opinions about the future direction of land use policies in the province.”

The Task Force was established to develop detailed recommendations for land use policies and their implementation in a comprehensive planning framework. It will be submitting its report to government in January.

The survey results are available at

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon