<i>Regulated Health Professions Act</i> in effect

Health and Wellness
The Regulated Health Professions Act will help ensure safety and consistency in our Island health care system, says Minister of Health and Wellness Doug Currie.

“This legislation will ensure that designated health professions are meeting certain standards and levels of training,” said Minister Currie. “Our main priority is ensuring the safety of Islanders throughout the spectrum of health care services that are provided in our province.”

The Regulated Health Professions Act provides consistent licensing, complaint and discipline processes applicable to all designated health care professions. In addition, the legislation provides criteria for regulation, a formal application and assessment process for requests for regulation.

There are currently 16 regulated health professions in Prince Edward Island governed by 14 different statutes and regulations. These professions are self-regulated through a professional college or independent board. In addition, there are many unregulated health professions including, but not limited to, naturopathic doctors, massage therapists, and medical laboratory technologists who have shown interest in becoming regulated.

Under this new legislation, these unregulated health professions can apply to become regulated. Many professions who are currently regulated under stand-alone legislation have indicated their intention to seek designation under the Regulated Health Professions Act.

“The Province of Prince Edward Island values the hard work and expertise of our health care professionals and looks forward to working with them in the delivery of quality health care services for all Islanders,” said Minister Currie.

Media Contact: April Winchester