Islanders are invited to share their ideas and thoughts on how we can encourage and support each other to lead physically and mentally healthier lives through the creation of a provincial wellness strategy, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.
“By working together, we can help each other reach our health goals – whether it’s giving up tobacco for good, taking up a new sport or activity, making the time to mentally relax and enjoy a favourite hobby, or cutting back on junk food,” said the minister. “The ideas Islanders share with us will be used to create a provincial wellness strategy that will help Islanders improve and enjoy their own health, as well as build healthier communities.”
Islanders can share their feedback through an anonymous survey ( The survey was released today with a discussion paper Towards a Culture of Wellness that suggests a number of ways governments, communities and individuals can work together to promote healthier living. The discussion paper and survey focus on five areas: positive mental wellness, being active, living tobacco free, eating well, and using alcohol responsibly.
The survey asks Islanders to give their thoughts on the proposed ideas in the discussion paper, and asks what they think government can do to help them lead healthier lives. The findings will be used to create a long-term provincial wellness strategy that will help increase Islanders’ mental and physical fitness.
“All the statistics tell us one simple message – as Islanders we need to take better care of ourselves,” said the minister. “Healthcare is about more than hospitals. Increasing our focus on wellness and preventative measures will help reduce illness and the instances of chronic disease. “
The online survey can be submitted until January 31, 2014. Paper copies of the survey can be picked up at Island Information Service, 1st floor, Jones Building, 11 Kent Street. Anyone wishing to have a copy mailed to them may call (902) 368-4000 or 1-800-236-5196. All responses will be kept confidential.