Infection Prevention and Control – Pass it On!

Health and Wellness
National Infection Control Week, October 21-25, is a chance to highlight the importance of infection prevention in our health care system, says Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison.

“Infection prevention and control programs have been widely recognized to be both clinically effective and cost effective in preventing and controlling the spread of infections in health care settings,” said Dr. Morrison. “Everyone has a role to play in infection prevention and simple measures such as washing your hands, using hand sanitizer and covering your cough are easy, yet effective, ways to prevent the risk of infection.”

Infection Prevention and Control Week originated in 1988 to highlight infection prevention and control efforts in Canadian hospitals, long-term care facilities and in the community. It is an opportunity for infection prevention and control practitioners to educate staff and the community about the importance of infection prevention and to promote the important work that is being done by infection prevention and control practitioners.

Infection prevention and control practitioners (ICPs) have specialized training in the identification, investigation, prevention, and control of disease and infection as well as outbreak management. Prince Edward Island has ten infection prevention and control professionals in provincial long-term care facilities and community and provincial hospitals across the Island. The program is coordinated by a provincial coordinator situated in the Chief Public Health Office. The coordinator also provides consultation to those areas that don’t have a designated ICP.

“Infection prevention and control practitioners in all Health PEI health care facilities work as members of the health care team to prevent health care associated infections. These practitioners also educate staff, patients and visitors on the most up to date practices to prevent the spread of infections,” said provincial infection prevention and control program coordinator, Stacey Burns.

For more information on infection prevention and control, visit

Media Contact: April Winchester