The first phase of security enhancements to the Provincial Administration Building (PAB) Complex in Charlottetown begins Tuesday, October 15, at the Jones Building.
Starting on October 15, visitors to the Jones Building (11 Kent Street) will:
• enter through the public entrance on Kent Street;
• show their photo identification at the security desk; and
• receive a visitor pass – identified with a “V” – they will wear throughout their visit and return to the security desk when they leave.
The Jones Building houses the province’s departments of Agriculture and Forestry; Community Services and Seniors; Environment, Labour and Justice; and Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal, as well as Creative Services and Island Information Service. The same security procedure will begin at the Shaw and Sullivan buildings in the coming weeks.
Employees of the PAB Complex will use their electronic access card/photo ID to access the staff-only entrances. Provincial government employees from outside the PAB Complex will enter through the public entrances, show their government employee ID at the security desk, and receive a temporary access card (identified with a “T”) to be worn throughout their visit and returned when they leave.
The enhanced security is intended to make the complex safer and more secure for employees and visitors and is in line with actions taken by other provinces in their government buildings. More information on PAB Complex security is available at