Island drivers are reminded to use caution when approaching a school bus and never pass when the lights are flashing, Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal Minister Robert Vessey says.
“School buses return to Island roadways tomorrow, September 5, so please help keep the children safe who are riding on them,” Minister Vessey said. “It is dangerous and illegal to pass a school bus when its lights are flashing. Slow down when the amber lights flash, and come to a full stop when the red lights flash.”
Amber-coloured lights flash before a school bus stops to pick up or drop off students. Drivers should be alert for these lights and be prepared to stop.
Drivers approaching a school bus with red lights flashing must stop at least six metres (20 feet) from the front or rear of the bus. Vehicles should remain stopped until the red lights stop flashing.
“It’s that time of year again when we need to ensure our Island roads are safe for students traveling to and from school,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac. “It is everyone’s responsibility to look out for children crossing the road and respect the rules governing school bus safety.”
The fine for passing a school bus when the red lights are flashing is $5,000 and a loss of eight demerit points under the Highway Traffic Act. Visit the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal’s School Bus Safety page for more information.