Report provides recommendations for intermediate schools

* Education and Early Childhood Development [to May 2015]
A new report on intermediate schools provides suggestions on how they can better meet the needs of students, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac.

“These are the formative years and we need to ensure that we are meeting the learning and developmental needs of our young adolescents,” said Minister McIsaac. “Students at the intermediate level have unique characteristics that are different from elementary and high school students, and it is important to identify how we can best serve their needs.”

The Intermediate Working Group was tasked with making recommendations that would advance the Prince Edward Island intermediate school system to better prepare all students in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to fully participate in today's world. The working group set out to identify gaps in curriculum delivery at the grades 7-9 level, explore best practices and create an action plan that will guide teaching and learning.

There are nine recommendations listed for consideration. The recommendations are based on current research surrounding adolescent development needs, and how best to meet their needs as learners.

The report states that students in this age group are highly independent learners and seek to explore and create at their own pace; therefore, administrators and teachers should accommodate the needs of these students by programs, schedules and activities that provide flexibility in the learning environment.

The working group members listened to guest presenters and examined Prince Edward Island data and evidence, as well as current educational research, trends and initiatives in other province and jurisdictions. The working group included representatives from the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, teachers, administration, the English Language School Board and la Commission scolaire de langue française.

A Steering Committee is being formed to analyze the recommendations and to identify those that should be implemented.

The report is available online at .


Report Recommendations

Recommendation 1: The Department, boards and all intermediate schools will adopt a vision founded in middle school philosophy.

Recommendation 2: All students will experience a continuum of learning, meeting established benchmarks and standards in literacy and numeracy throughout the curricula.

Recommendation 3: All schools will develop school-based professional learning communities.

Recommendation 4: School-based administrators will serve as instructional leaders adopting middle school philosophy, while adhering to curriculum expectations, and effective instructional and assessment practices.

Recommendation 5: The Department, with input from the boards and teachers, will provide challenging, relevant exploratory and integrative curriculum.

Recommendation 6: Schools will create transition plans for students entering the intermediate grade levels.

Recommendation 7: The professional learning team will align teacher professional development to support the commendations of the Intermediate Working Group final report.

Recommendation 8: The Department will research effective school configurations that maximize student learning and achievement.

Recommendation 9: The Department will form a committee to implement the recommendations of the Intermediate Working Group.

Media Contact: Laura Steeves