PEI 2014 Fund projects will shape celebrations in Kings County

* Tourism and Culture [to May 2015]
Tourism operators, local theatre groups, the multi-cultural community, communities in Kings County and many other groups across the province will benefit from investments in PEI 2014 Fund projects, says Tourism and Culture Minister Robert Henderson.

“The PEI 2014 Fund projects announced today at the Kings Playhouse in the heart of Georgetown will stimulate the local economy, attract visitors and leave a lasting PEI 2014 legacy for Kings County as well as other communities across the province,” says Minister Henderson. “These projects are a reflection of the spirit and enthusiasm of the people of Kings County and their desires to mark the 150th anniversary of the Charlottetown Conference in their own unique way.”

PEI 2014 Inc. today announced the recipients of PEI 2014 Fund large grants in Kings County and gave a preview of the projects the grants are supporting. The attached backgrounder provides the list of recipients and a description of the projects.

The PEI 2014 Fund offers three levels of funding: large grants from $25, 001 to $250,000; medium grants from $2015 to $25,000; and small grants up to $2014. A total of 550 applications seeking $28 million in funding were submitted to PEI 2014 Inc. during the application process that closed March 15, 2013. The successful applicants were determined by a three-step selection process that included an initial staff review; an adjudication by the 15-member PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee; and final decisions by the PEI 2014 Board of Directors, based on recommendations from the Community Advisory Committee.

“PEI 2014 Inc has been very impressed by the quality and diversity of the applications Islanders, including those in Kings County, submitted to the PEI 2014 Fund,“ said John Horrelt, PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee Chair. “Legacy projects centering on public art, new theatre productions, innovative eco-tourism products or expanded festivals, are especially strong among the Kings County projects funded by PEI 2014 Fund large grants.”

Recipients of large grants for projects in Queens County will be announced next week, while projects receiving medium and small grants will be announced before the end of June.

In 2014, Canadians will mark the 150th anniversary (Sesquicentennial) of the historic 1864 Charlottetown Conference, which paved the way to Confederation. PEI 2014 Inc. is facilitating the planning, promotion and implementation of the Sesquicentennial celebrations. The PEI 2014 celebrations are made possible through generous support from the Government of Prince Edward Island and the Government of Canada. The year-long and province-wide PEI 2014 program of events will honour the past, celebrate the present and plan a bold tomorrow.


Following is the list of projects from Kings County that will benefit from a PEI 2014 Fund large grant. Also included are some projects that will take place or have an impact across the province. Please note, some PEI 2014 Fund projects in Kings County will be announced at a later date pending confirmation of contributions from other funding partners.

2014 DiverseCity Festival Island-wide June 30, July 5, July 19

PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada


The DiverseCity Festival will expand to locations in eastern and western PEI while continuing with the existing festival in Charlottetown.

Art Works Here: Producing a Public Art Trail On-site May-September

Town of Montague


Working with local artists, Art Works Here will install a public art trail to create a more vibrant and walkable downtown centre to Montague.

King’s Playhouse Extended Summer Season Summer 2014

Town of Georgetown


The extended season will feature a locally written play performed at a themed-event on Victoria Day, two larger-scale summer productions, and a historical walking tour led by the King’s Players.

Confederation Forest Project April-June

Environment Coalition of PEI


This project will establish a 10-acre Acadian forest in each Island county. These forests will become a lasting legacy of Confederation and an example of Islanders' continued efforts to create healthy communities that include natural areas.

ManiFest Jeunesse March-October

Federation Culturelle De L’Ile-du-Prince Edouard


Based on the 3 pillars of PEI 2014, this production will feature a performing & visual arts exhibit celebrating the cultural diversity of youth from the six Acadian and Francophone communities on PEI.

Elmira "Don't Ye Know Theatre" Summer Stock Productions July-August

PEI Museum Heritage and Heritage Foundation


A local theatre production of a historically based play, “The End of the Line” will be staged at the Eastern Kings Community Centre. A puppet theatre will also be developed and presented at the Elmira Railway Museum and East Point Lighthouse.

Remembering the Master’s Wife June-November

Sir Andrew MacPhail Homestead


Based on the memoirs of Sir Andrew MacPhail depicting rural life in PEI in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this historical lecture featuring play vignettes by the Homestead Players will be performed at Province House and 6 halls across the Island.

Eco-Tours in Eastern Kings Mid-June-Mid-September

PEI Wildlife Federation (Souris Area Branch)


Informative and active eco–tours will be developed including a walking tour in Basin Head, a canoe voyage along the Souris River, and a bike tour of the Confederation Trail at New Harmony.

Crossing the Strait Launch in May 2014

Wood Islands & Area Development Corporation


A book detailing the history of crossing the Northumberland Strait between Wood Islands and northern Nova Scotia; the story will be told through vintage photographs, archival sources, personal views and anecdotes from people on both sides of the Strait.

National 4-H Citizenship Seminar April 11-April 17

Canadian 4-H Council


Canadian youth will be invited to PEI to explore the story behind the Charlottetown Conference, and discuss the impact that it has made on their lives today. They will be encouraged to be better, more conscious citizens throughout the conference program.

The Old Stock Late May-Early June

Black Islanders Cooperative


With a cast of characters and professional musicians, Tales of the Old Stock will tour schools across the Island at all levels. A studio recording of the Tales of the Old Stock score will be produced which will become a permanent resource in classrooms augmenting the black history unit of PEI schools' curriculum.

Dr. Magnificent's Travelling Musical Medicine Show May 12-June 13

Young at Heart Musical Theatre for Seniors


A fun musical production following the adventures of Dr. Maginificent, a cowardly General in the Confederate Army who manages to end up in PEI during the 1864 Charlottetown Conference. The production will be performed in long-term care facilities and community halls across the Island.

PEI 2014 Winter Celebration Snowmobile Ride February 2014

PEI Snowmobile Association


A national educational conference and 3-day snowmobile ride will be hosted in February 2014 bringing together representatives from all provincial snowmobile organizations in Canada; the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association; and avid snowmobilers from the Eastern United States and Atlantic Canada.

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague