Communities, small businesses, tourism operators, artists, eco-tourism and many more groups will benefit from investments in PEI 2014 Fund projects, says Premier Robert Ghiz.
“The PEI 2014 Fund projects unveiled today and later in the month will showcase our culture, stimulate the local economy, draw visitors and leave a legacy for communities across the province,” says Premier Robert Ghiz. “Islanders have shown an incredible response to the opportunity presented by the $5 million PEI 2014 Fund."
PEI 2014 Inc. today announced the recipients of PEI 2014 Fund large grants in Prince County and gave a preview of the projects the grants are supporting. The attached backgrounder provides the list of recipients and a description of the projects.
The PEI 2014 Fund offers three levels of funding: large grants from $25, 001 to $250,000; medium grants from $2015 to $25,000; and small grants up to $2014. A total of 550 applications seeking $28 million in funding were submitted to PEI 2014 Inc. during the application process that closed March 15, 2013. The successful applicants were determined by a three-step selection process that included an initial staff review; an adjudication by the 15-member PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee; and final decisions by the PEI 2014 Board of Directors, based on recommendations from the Community Advisory Committee.
“PEI 2014 Inc is very happy with the extent to which Islanders are making these celebrations their own,” said John Horrelt, Community Advisory Committee Chair. “The volunteer PEI 2014 Community Advisory Committee members have played a crucial role in ensuring the projects funded meet the goals of the PEI 2014 Fund and reflect a community perspective across the province.”
Recipients of large grants for projects in Kings and Queens County will be announced in the coming weeks, while projects receiving medium and small grants will be announced before the end of June.
In 2014, Canadians will mark the 150th anniversary (Sesquicentennial) of the historic 1864 Charlottetown Conference, which paved the way to Confederation. PEI 2014 Inc. is facilitating the planning, promotion and implementation of the Sesquicentennial celebrations. The PEI 2014 celebrations are made possible through generous support from the Government of Prince Edward Island and the Government of Canada. The year-long and province-wide PEI 2014 program of events will honour the past, celebrate the present and plan a bold tomorrow.
Following is the list of projects from Prince County that will benefit from a PEI 2014 Fun large grant. Also included are some projects that will take place or have an impact across the province. Please note, some PEI 2014 Fund projects in Prince County will be announced at a later date pending confirmation of funding contributions from the federal government.
Imagine 1864: Summerside Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow April-December
Wyatt Heritage Properties
This project will celebrate Summerside yesterday, today and tomorrow though the development of new historical exhibits, a series of contemporary performances, lectures, and displays by local artists, performers, community and historical groups, and the development of experiential walking tours.
PEI 2014 Sesquicentennial Art Commissions and Collection Year-long
Prince Edward Island Council of the Arts
23 artists (1 for each Father of Confederation at the 1864 Charlottetown Conference), will be commissioned to create new works that celebrate PEI 2014. The finished artwork will be freely available for display in locations across PEI that are open to the public.
Celebrating 150 Years with 150 Community Programs and Celebrations Year - long
Recreation PEI
Throughout 2014, 150 community programs, challenges, and celebrations will be rolled out across the Island combining history, physical activity, healthy eating, community pride and social engagement.
Tyne Valley Oyster Festival July 26-August 3
Tyne Valley and Area Sports Centre
The national oyster shucking championship will be bigger and better than ever and will include a concert featuring a major Canadian musical artist.
Homecoming 2014: Summerside Highland Gathering June 27-June29
The College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada
The gathering is a celebration of the Highland arts of piping, dancing, drumming, and all things Scottish. Visit the clan tents, watch a step dancing competition, take in a Highland sporting event and relax in the entertainment tent where there’s always plenty of your favourite East Coast music. The whole weekend is one great big ceilidh!
Aboriginal Youth and Confederation - Learning from the Past and Building for the Future June 2014
Mi’Kmaq Confederacy of PEI
In partnership with Canada World Youth, Aboriginal youth from across Canada will be invited to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the 1864 Charlottetown Conference during a three day symposium.
Digging into the Past: An Archaeological discovery in Malpeque Bay Opens in May 2014
PEI Museum and Heritage Foundation
This cutting edge exhibition will use innovative technologies and media to provide an exciting visual and hands-on window into the earliest period of European settlement on PEI.
A New Look at PEI Launch in July 2014
PEI Literacy Alliance
A story book set in historic 1864 Charlottetown, it tells the story of the circus that came to town, the meeting of the Fathers of Confederation and the social gatherings which followed. Every grade 3 student in PEI will receive a copy of the book in the fall of 2014.
The history and the skills of the Basket weavers of PEI June-August
Basket Weavers of PEI Cooperative
Twenty exhibits in locations across the Island will demonstrate the history of basket making and provide a step-by-step demonstration of the basket making process. These demonstrations will provide inspiration to younger generations to continue the traditional craft of basket making.
Confederation Challenge: A National Harness Racing Driving Championship August 28 – August 30
Prince Edward Island Harness Racing Association
The Confederation Challenge will host top drivers from across Canada at both Red Shores properties in Summerside and Charlottetown.
La Fête nationale des Acadiens et Acadiennes August 15
Societe Saint-Thomas D’Aquin
Diverse and exciting programming will be rolled out in each of the six Acadian and Francophone regions on the Island on National Acadian Day. A large-scale show in Charlottetown will cap off the day’s events.