Canadian Agricultural Safety Week runs March 10 to 16
The people who work to make agriculture one of the Island’s key industries should take the time to make sure farms are safe workplaces, say Agriculture and Forestry Minister George Webster and Environment, Labour and Justice Minister Janice Sherry.
“During Canadian Agricultural Safety Week, I encourage all farm operators to review their farming practices to ensure the safety of everyone involved on the farm,” said Minister of Agriculture and Forestry George Webster.
The week of March 10 to 16, 2013, has been chosen by the Canadian Agricultural Safety Association and the Canadian Federation of Agriculture as a week to plan farm safety and to encourage a safety culture in farming.
“Employers in Prince Edward Island have a duty to provide safe workplaces, and workers have the right to insist on safe working conditions. Canadian Agricultural Safety Week is a reminder to make sure our farms are safe and healthy workplaces,” said Minister Sherry.
For more information about farming safely, visit the Safe Workplaces section of the Workers Compensation Board website