Quality Oyster Aquaculture Program renewed

* Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development [to May 2015]
A program that offers incentives to strengthen oyster production from aquaculture operations has been renewed for three years, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Ron MacKinley.

“The oyster fishery is very important to the Prince Edward Island economy. This program provides support and incentives for oyster growers to increase production and improve the quality of oysters produced on leases,” said Minister MacKinley. “It will accelerate private sector investment and create new job opportunities in the aquaculture sector.”

Under the program, aquaculture operations are eligible for financial support towards eligible expenditures such as new or modified equipment used in seed collection, nursery, growout, and harvesting. The proposed project must demonstrate an expansion of oyster production that will assist in increasing landings and quality.

Oysters produced from aquaculture operations account for about 30 percent of total production in Prince Edward Island. In 2011, approximately 6 million pounds of oysters were landed with an economic value of more than $13 million. Oysters are the primary industry in many rural coastal communities employing close to 1,100 people.

“We are pleased to support our oyster growers who work very hard producing high-quality oysters that are sold in restaurants all over North America. Malpeque oysters and many other popular brands have put Prince Edward Island on the map,” said the Minister.

For program guidelines, contact the department at 902-838-0910, toll-free1-877-407-0187, or visit gov.pe.ca/fard/qualityoyster.

Media Contact: Kim Devine