Minister challenges the accuracy of the latest CIHI Report

Health and Wellness
The latest CIHI report (Canadian Institute for Health Information) which appears to show that Prince Edward Island offers the lowest average level of physician compensation in Canada is incorrect, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.

“The report misrepresents the number of actual front-line physicians in our complement, and overlooks the fact that many Island physicians are on salary, rather than billing fee-for-service,” said Minister Currie.

In 2010/11, Prince Edward Island had 225.25 physicians – not 321 as CIHI reports.

“Our physician compensation level is actually one of the highest in Canada,” adds Minister Currie.

With the correction to the physician complement number, Prince Edward Island’s physician compensation for 2010/11 was on average $380,100 – the top in Atlantic Canada, and ahead of British Columbia and Ontario.

“We highly value our physicians and we know that competitive compensation is necessary for recruitment and retention within our health care system. Currently, our physician numbers are at an all-time high for the province,” said Minister Currie. “The most recent agreement reached with the Medical Society of PEI keeps Island physician compensation competitive with our sister provinces.”

In fiscal year 2012/13, it is expected that Prince Edward Island will spend approximately $95 million on the master physician agreement; this will bring the average compensation up to $427,000 per physician.

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere