Applicants wanted for Health PEI Board of Directors

Islanders can become directly involved in the governance and operation of health care in Prince Edward Island by applying to fill two positions on the Health PEI Board of Directors, says Leo Steven, Health PEI board chair.

“Our board oversees health-care delivery and advises the Minister of Health and Wellness on policy matters, so becoming a member of the board is an opportunity to speak for your fellow Islanders,” Steven said. “Since we are a competency-based board, each member brings a unique set of skills to the table and we are always seeking to broaden the board’s collective knowledge base.”

Steven said the current board members are Islanders from a variety of community perspectives who are either interested or experienced in health care – or both – and who share a common desire to make their health system better. In addition to health care, members have backgrounds in business, law, education, and federal and provincial policy making.

The two positions will become open on March 31, 2013 as the three-year terms come to an end for the original Health PEI board members appointed in 2010. Applicants should plan to devote two days each month to meetings and preparation; there are monthly full-board meetings, subcommittee meetings that are called as needed, and periodic planning sessions that often require advance preparation.

Applications will be accepted until January 11, 2013; for more information and to apply, visit

Media Contact: Brad Chatfield