Provincial influenza immunization program to expand

Health and Wellness
All Islanders age 65 and over can now receive free flu shots, says Minister of Health and Wellness Doug Currie.

“Islanders in this age group are one of the most high risk groups for influenza-related hospitalization and complication,” said Minster Currie. “With this initiative we are hoping to help protect this vulnerable and high risk group of Islanders and reduce the pressure on our Island health care system.”

Clinics will be set up across the province to provide free immunization to all Islanders 65 years of age and over. The department is working with Health PEI to implement the program. The clinics are expected to open mid-October to mid-November.

The Department of Health and Wellness through the Chief Public Health Office purchases influenza vaccine and provides it to health centres, physician offices, public and private long-term care facilities, public health nursing offices, and obstetrician offices at no cost, although an administration fee may be charged to patients by physicians in certain offices and health care settings.

As well, the province provides vaccine to hospitals, public and private long-term care facilities, and publicly funded community-based health services where it is administered at no cost to staff, residents or patients. This year, the program will expand to include free vaccinations for community care facilities who are able to administer it to staff and residents.

As in past years, the Province of Prince Edward Island will provide vaccination free of charge for any child aged 6-23 months, as well as pregnant women and household contacts of pregnant women, at public health nursing offices across Prince Edward Island. The vaccine is also available free of charge for pregnant women at obstetrician offices in the province.

“Vaccination is recognized as the single most effective way of reducing the impact of influenza, especially for those most at risk for complications,” said Dr. Heather Morrison, Prince Edward Island’s Chief Public Health Officer. “We encourage all Islanders to get vaccinated as it is the best defence against the spread of influenza virus. We are pleased that those aged 65 years and older will have the opportunity to attend influenza immunization clinics without having to pay a fee.”

“The goal of our provincial immunization program is to provide safe and effective vaccines to protect our population against vaccine-preventable disease,” said Minister Currie. “By enhancing the program and making it more accessible, we hope that we can increase the uptake of influenza vaccination across the province.”

For more information on influenza, the influenza vaccine or clinic locations, visit

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere