Government will continue to provide support to private licensed early childhood centres, says Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Alan McIsaac
”We believe that private centres provide a valuable option for Island families and we are pleased to continue the Quality Enhancement Grant for the remainder of the fiscal year,” said Minister McIsaac. ”Our government has many competing priorities, but we feel this investment will help support private centres, providing them with more time to explore options to remain viable.”
The department currently provides a quality enhancement grant to existing private day cares of $1.20 per child per day. In addition, an infant incentive grant is provided, as well as flat rate grants are available to current school age, nursery programs and family home daycares. The centers use this money for wages, program resources and support.
Government is committed to excellence in lifelong learning. Over the past five years government has made a number of significant investments in education. In 2010, government introduced the Preschool Excellence Initiative, one of the most progressive initiatives in the country. The initiative marked a fundamental shift in Government’s policy focus in the early years from child care to early learning and childcare. Government also made a strong commitment when it implemented a full day kindergarten program into the provincial school system. To date, 45 Early Years Centers have been implemented across the province, which have been a huge success and a vital step in the creation of an early learning and child care system.