Provincial government investments in two projects in the Evangeline area will support the local community, says Fisheries, Aquaculture and Rural Development Minister Ron MacKinley.
”The provincial government is pleased to work in partnership with local groups and organizations to enhance facilities and services to people in rural communities across the province,” said Mr. MacKinley. “The people in these communities are in the best position to identify and carry out these projects, and I am proud that government is able to provide support.”
The Mont Carmel Social Club has undertaken a project to renovate and upgrade the community hall. Total cost of the project is $78,523. The Island Community Fund is contributing $58,893. The Miscouche branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is sponsoring new equipment for school children of the area at the Veteran’s Memorial Playground. Some of the equipment is wheelchair accessible. The Island Community Fund is contributing $17,807 to the $71,227 project, with the balance coming from the community and the Let Them Be Kids Foundation.
“I commend the proponents of these projects for their commitment to serving local residents, and wish them every success,” said Mr. MacKinley. “These projects will be of lasting benefit to the people of the Evangeline area.”
The Island Community Fund is focussed on addressing infrastructure needs in communities across the province.