Proposed Cape Breton Road Closure

* Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal [to May 2015]
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Roads Act, R.S.P.E.I., 1988, Cap. R-15 s.32, the Government of Prince Edward Island as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal proposes to close and discontinue a portion of Route 257 (Cape Breton Road) located at Fort Augustus - Township or Lot No. 36 and Pisquid West – Township or Lot No. 37 in Queens County for a distance of approximately 715 metres commencing at a point 800 metres South of Route 21 (Fort Augustus Road).

A visual illustration is provided at

Comments regarding the proposed road closure may be submitted in writing to the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal for a period of thirty days from 30 days from the publication of this notice by either: mail at PO Box 2000, Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N8; hand-delivery to the 3rd Floor Jones Building, 11 Kent Street, Charlottetown; or,by email at

Media Contact: Andrew Sprague