Through the Turning Point program, trained facilitators work daily to address the important issue of family violence, says Environment, Labour and Justice Minister Janice Sherry.
“Addressing family violence remains a priority for our government, and I commend the facilitators who work so diligently to make a difference,” said Ms. Sherry. “These men and women face many challenges in their work and are passionate about ending family violence. Their work as facilitators is often in addition to their regular jobs, and they receive little public acknowledgment of their effort. I recognize and appreciate their dedication.”
Ms. Sherry recently celebrated the success of the Turning Point program and the work of more than 30 facilitators who, since 1996, have led 60 program groups.
Through the Turning Point Program, facilitators provide counselling to help men stop abusive and controlling behaviour towards a female partner. The program offers participants the opportunity to learn new ways to deal with their emotions in a constructive, non-abusive manner.
Clinical manager Dr. Ed Hansen recognized Turning Point Coordinator Jo-Anne Hargrove for 15 years of service with the Turning Point program.
“Since the inception of the Turning Point program, Jo-Anne Hargrove has been responsible for training the facilitators who deliver the program,” he said. “She has been instrumental in improving the safety for families and our communities throughout Prince Edward Island.”
Certificates of appreciation were also presented to the trained facilitators who administer the Turning Point program.
“Those who work in Community and Correctional Services make an enormous contribution to public safety through their work, whether they provide clinical services through programs like Turning Point, or they staff our custody facilities, or they work in the community with probation and youth services,” said Ms. Sherry. “I thank all facilitators and staff for their efforts and for supporting Government’s commitment to safe Island communities.”