Premier presents awards for diversity leadership in the Public Service

Many people throughout the Island’s public service are doing their part to promote diversity, says Premier Robert Ghiz.

“This year’s recipients are to be commended for taking that extra step to make their workplaces more inclusive,” said Premier Robert Ghiz. “I offer my sincere congratulations to Sheila MacLean, Amy McFeely and the Power of Change Program.”

That important contribution was acknowledged at the start of Public Service Week with the presentation of the Premier’s Award for Diversity Leadership. These awards are presented each year to employees within the Prince Edward Island Public Service who demonstrate leadership in promoting diversity and inclusiveness in the public sector.

Sheila MacLean, Physician Recruitment Coordinator with the Recruitment and Retention Secretariat of the Department of Health and Wellness, received recognition for all she has done to help internationally educated health professionals, and their families, feel at home in their new Island communities.

The “Power of Change” program at Westisle Composite High School and its coordinator, guidance counsellor Amy McFeely, were acknowledged for efforts to discourage bullying by creating an understanding of the need for tolerance and acceptance within the school community.

“We are fortunate that so many of our employees are committed to making the Public Service stronger though inclusion,” says Premier Ghiz. “I thank this year’s recipients for recognizing that our workforce and our communities are stronger when we encourage diversity.”

Media Contact: Jennifer MacDonald-Donovan