An emergency can happen any time, any place, and we all need to be prepared, says Environment, Labour and Justice Minister Janice Sherry. May 6-12 is the 17th annual Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada.
“Public safety begins at home,” said Ms. Sherry. “Approximately 85 per cent of Canadians agree that having a personal emergency preparedness kit is important, but only four in ten have actually put together or purchased a kit.”
The Prince Edward Island Office of Public Safety website has information on personal emergency preparedness and a checklist for emergency kit items. Visit and click on the EP Week link. On this site, you can also take an EP Week survey and enter your name for the prize draw, sign up for public safety alerts, download checklists and children's activity sheets, and even get information on caring for pets during an emergency.
“I hope everyone will take time this week to put together an emergency preparedness kit for the home and vehicle,” said Ms. Sherry. “People who are more prepared will be better able to reduce the impact of an emergency on themselves and their families. When families are able to look after their personal needs during an emergency, this also enables first responders to attend to the people who are most vulnerable.”
The Prince Edward Island EP Week website also links to the Emergency Preparedness Guide in English, French, Simple Chinese character, Punjabi, Inuktitut and Traditional Chinese character; and also links to a Guide for People with Disabilities and Special Needs, in English, Chinese, French, Italian, Portuguese, Punjabi and Spanish.
For more information, contact a Public Safety Officer at 894-0385, go to or follow @peipublicsafety on Twitter or Facebook.