Calendar contest highlights importance of U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child

Island children and youth are invited to submit their artwork for the 2011 Calendar Contest to celebrate the 22nd anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by the United Nations General Assembly, says Child and Youth Services Commissioner Jeff Clow.

“This contest encourages our Island youth to take time to learn what life is like for children around the world, and the importance of protecting children’s rights and freedoms,” says Child and Youth Commissioner Jeff Clow. “We encourage all Island youth to express what they learn through the artwork they submit for the contest.“

The 2012 National Child Day calendar will feature twelve drawings. Winning artists will receive a framed copy of their artwork and five copies of the calendar.

Contest Rules:

• All submissions must focus on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

• Contest begins Thursday, October 13. Final deadline is Friday, November 4.

• Drawings should be 8x10 inches and must be in a horizontal (landscape) format.

• Young artists are asked to submit original copies of their work, unfolded and uncreased, on white or light-colored paper.

• On the back of each entry, in the lower right-hand corner, please include: student’s first and last name, age, grade, school, names of parents or guardians, home address and phone number.

Please send entries to:

Office of the Child and Youth Commissioner, Holman Centre, 250 Water Street, Suite 101, Summerside Prince Edward Island, Canada C1N 1B6.

For more information, see the Child and Youth Services Commissioner website:

Media Contact: Angela Court