Islanders Encouraged to Receive Influenza Vaccine

Health and Wellness
Physicians’ offices, provincial health centres and public health offices across Prince Edward Island have received their first shipment of influenza vaccine. Health PEI and physicians’ offices are in the process of setting up vaccine clinics for this season announced Chief Public Health Officer, Dr. Heather Morrison.

“I encourage everyone to get their influenza vaccine this year, especially those who are at highest risk of complication from the Influenza virus,” said Dr. Heather Morrison. “While most people who get influenza are only sick for a few days, some people can develop serious complications and become very ill. Last year, we saw many people in doctor’s offices and emergency rooms in PEI who were ill, some serious enough to need hospitalization, including admission to the Intensive Care Unit.”

The seasonal influenza vaccine (flu shot) provides protection against three influenza strains (including pandemic H1N1) which are presently being seen in other countries. Immunity for those who received the vaccine last year or in the winter of 2011 will have fallen considerably; therefore, everyone is encourage to receive the influenza vaccine again this year.

While everyone over 6 months of age is encouraged to receive the flu shot, the following people are at highest risk of serious illness from influenza virus:

• Children aged 6 months to 23 months of age

• Pregnant women

• Those with chronic health conditions, such as heart and lung conditions, diabetes or cancer

• Adults 65 years of age and over

The following groups are strongly encouraged to receive the vaccine as they play an important role in protecting our most vulnerable population:

• Household contacts of the above groups

• Health care workers, childcare workers, and any other professionals who may be at risk for transmitting the virus to people in the high-risk category

The Department of Health and Wellness provides the vaccine to physicians’ offices, provincial health centres, long-term care facilities, hospitals and public health nursing offices free of charge. As in past years, some physician offices and health centres may charge a fee to cover the cost of administering the vaccine.

However, any child aged 6-23 months, as well as pregnant women and household contacts of pregnant women, will be able to receive the flu shot free of charge at public health nursing offices across PEI. The vaccine is also available free of charge for pregnant women at obstetrician offices in the province.

To book an appointment for your flu shot, visit your nearest health centre or call your family doctor. If you are a pregnant woman or if you have children aged 6-23 months, you can call one of the public health nursing offices across the province to book an appointment.

For more information on influenza, the influenza vaccine or clinic locations, visit


Contact Information for Health Centres

• Eastern Kings Health Centre (Souris) - 687-7033

• Montague Medical Centre - 838-0830

• Four Neighbourhoods Health Centre (Charlottetown) - 569-7772

• Central Queens Health Centre (Hunter River) - Watch for local clinic dates

• Gulf Shore Health Centre (Rustico) - Watch for local clinic dates

• Harbourside Health Centre (Summerside) - 432-2614

• Evangeline Health Centre (Wellington) - 854-7259

• Tyne Valley Health Centre - 831-5800

• O’Leary Health Centre - 859-3929• Alberton Health Services - 853-0403

Contact Information for Public Health Nursing Offices

• Alberton, O’Leary and Tignish - 859-8720

• Wellington - 854-7259

• Kensington & Summerside - 888-8160

• Charlottetown - 368-4530

• Montague - 838-0762

• Souris - 687-7049

Media Contact: Laura Steeves