A company known for its innovative business software products is launching its newest application in Summerside, says Minister of Innovation and Advanced Learning Allan Campbell.
“WorkLinks is a human resource and payroll development company creating original software products for small and medium-sized businesses across North America,” said Minister Campbell. “We are happy to have Prince Edward Island as the site launch for their latest product.”
WorkLinks has been operating in Summerside since September 2008 with offices in the Holman Building.
The new WorkLinks product offers technologically advanced Canadian payroll solutions by integrating human resources (HR), time and attendance, statutory holiday calculator, budgeting and payroll functions into a full feature Workforce Management Solution within a securely hosted web-based environment. The product is developed using the latest technologies designed to ensure the best possible “user experience.”
The first release brings the HR/Payroll suites to the market, with additional releases in development for Benefits, Time and Attendance, Statutory Holiday Calculator and Budgeting.
“We are pleased to be in Prince Edward Island and look forward to establishing a strong presence here. We believe the WorkLinks HR/Payroll Suite will exceed the user’s expectations and provide an exceptional online experience,” said Bob Carbone, VP of Technology.
Additional information on WorkLinks is available by contacting Bob Carbone at carboneb@worklinks.ca or by visiting www.worklinks.ca.