Important notice for vacationers/campers

* Environment, Labour and Justice [to May 2015]
The Canadian Hurricane Centre anticipates that Hurricane Irene will impact Prince Edward Island.

“Visitors who have not experienced a hurricane or tropical storm before may not be familiar with the dangers, or the necessity for safety precautions,” said Minister of Justice and Public Safety Doug W. Currie. “We want to ensure everyone, Islanders and visitors alike, is prepared to deal with whatever Irene brings.”

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms are violent storms which can change direction at short notice. Even a significantly weakened system can carry high winds, heavy rain and flooding and can cause widespread destruction.

The following precautions are advised:

• Secure anything that can be blown around; ensure all outdoor items are tied down or brought inside. Items such as lawn chairs, barbeques, and even toys can become dangerous projectiles.

• Move inland. Seek shelter in a secure building.

• NEVER go down to the water to watch the storm; high waves and currents accompanying the storm are very dangerous.

• Falling trees and downed utility lines can result in extended service outages. Ensure you have a battery operated or wind up radio and flashlight on hand.

• Stock up on emergency supplies including food, water, medications, important documents, maps, and a full tank of gasoline.

Listen to local media broadcasts and follow instructions from local officials. Call 911 to report a fire, report a crime, or save a life.

For more information call 1-877-894-0385, follow PEIPublicSafety on Facebook and Twitter, or find us online at .

Media Contact: Connie McNeill