A new assistance program for local publishers will support Prince Edward Island's authors and book industry, says Tourism and Culture Minister Robert Vessey.
“Our government believes the existence of Island-based publishers is important in allowing Islanders to tell our stories,” said the minister. “We have some very talented writers and illustrators in the province and being able to have works published locally is important in developing this resource.”
The program was developed following requests from the writing and publishing interests in the province and replaces the program that last operated in 2009 with a limited uptake. The criteria have been re-designed to provide for easier access to the program.
The program is open to for-profit publishing businesses registered in the province that are publishing Island books. The businesses must demonstrate that they are active in the field and have published works in the last year. Assistance is based on a proportion of production costs or eligible publications for the past year. In order to broaden the base of the program, successful applicants will receive a maximum of $7,500 in funding for 2011.
The application form and information about the program is available online at www.gov.pe.ca/tourism/publisher or by contacting the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Division of the Department at 368-4787. The deadline for applications for 2011 is 30 September.