Minister Bertram Attends Meeting of Canada’s First Ministers of Health

Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness Minister Carolyn Bertram joined colleagues from across Canada today in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, for Canada’s First Ministers of Health meetings.

“As Ministers of Health, we have a common interest - to provide the best possible health care for Canadians. By working together we can share ideas, address common challenges, share best practices and recognize opportunities for collaboration,” said Minister Bertram.

Prince Edward Island led the discussions around the Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH) which focused on improving the health outcomes for students. At the conclusion of the meetings, Minister Bertram joined her fellow Ministers of Health to announce their endorsement of the Declaration on Prevention and Promotion as well as Curbing Childhood Obesity: An FPT Framework for Action to Promote Healthy Weights - the first common action framework to support the Declaration.

The Declaration outlines Ministers’ shared vision to work together, and with other sectors, on disease, disability and injury prevention, and health promotion. It outlines Ministers’ agreement on the elements that comprise good health, recognizes collaborative work between the Federal and Provincial/Territorial governments to date and guides efforts to strengthen and support prevention and promotion across Canada.

“In Prince Edward Island, we have already commenced work to promote healthy lifestyles through our go!PEI program, our Living a Healthy Life initiative and our collaboration with the JCSH,” said Minister Bertram. “Going forward, we know that curbing childhood obesity is a major priority. We need to educate and support not only our children, but their parents and caregivers, as we strive to improve the health of young Islanders.”

Health Ministers also discussed the outcomes of the Council of Federation (COF) meetings in August and committed to work together to advance issues such as healthy living, the joint purchasing of drugs and supplies, sodium reduction, and the sustainability of the health care system.

“We need a clear plan for monitoring and evaluating the progress of the Sodium Reduction,” said Minister Bertram. “Around the Minister’s table, we have agreed to work together on a national approach to sodium reduction and to identify areas where provinces and territories can work together on the development of common policy and regulations.”

Ministers also discussed collaborating on clinical practice guidelines. These standards can accelerate positive patient outcomes and ensure consistent quality healthcare across jurisdictions.

“Clinical practice guidelines will improve the quality of patient care and health care outcomes, reduce inappropriate variation in practice and promote efficient use of resources,” said Minister Bertram. “We have agreed to the establishment of a working group which will begin working on this initiative and looking ahead for significant opportunities to improve evidence-based delivery of health care.”

As Ministers discussed sustaining quality health care, it was evident that Prince Edward Island is following suit of other jurisdictions by enhancing innovative practices and investments in prevailing health care matters. “Our province is moving forward with many innovative healthcare practices, including our Primary Care Networks, Enhancing Home Care Services and establishing Health PEI,” said Minister Bertram. “I am confident that these initiatives will improve healthcare services throughout our One Island Community.”

All Ministers agreed that the collaborative steps being taken as a result of this meeting will ensure that Canadians continue to benefit from quality and safe practices in the health-care system.

For more information on the Declaration on Prevention and Health Promotion and the Curbing Childhood Obesity: An FPT Framework for Action to Promote Healthy Weights, visit

Media Contact: Autumn Tremere